
Faronics Deep Freeze Standard v8.60.20.5592 with Patch 冰点还原简体中文破解版

Faronics Deep Freeze是一个备份和恢复系统的工具,它可以在下一次重新启动时禁用对计算机操作系统所做的所有更改。当您确实不希望其他人对您的虚拟系统进行一些未调用的修改时,建议使用这种工具。简单地说,当Faronics Deep Freeze被激活时,它将在下一次启动时恢复您的计算机的所有初始设置。但是要小心,如果你忘记了程序(在冻结模式下),然后做了一些重要的改变(例如,编写和保存一个重要的文件,安装一个许可的软件),你将在下一次启动时失去一切。不幸的是,启用或禁用深度冻结总是需要重新启动。


Faronics Deep Freeze Standard v8.60.20.5592 with Patch 冰点还原简体中文破解版

Faronics Deep Freeze 冰点中提供了增强的安全性,能够保护主引导记录 (MBR) 免遭 Rootkit 注入侵袭,让您的安全性固若金汤。

保护主引导记录 (MBR)


使用隐蔽模式可隐藏 Deep Freeze 冰点系统托盘图标


安装 Deep Freeze 冰点后,您可将用户和应用程序数据重定向到非系统或网络驱动器的存储空间中,进而在重启之间保留数据。

Faronics Deep Freeze Standard v8.60.20.5592 with Patch 冰点还原简体中文破解版

将用户和应用程序数据重定向至 Thawed 解冻驱动器,以便在多次重启之间保留数据

使用 ThawSpace 解冻空间存储程序、保存文件或进行永久更改

指定 ThawSpace 解冻空间和主机驱动器的大小

使用 Data Igloo 为网络驱动器上的存储重定向数据


您能够通过几个选项轻松部署 Faronics Deep Freeze 冰点。

Faronics Deep Freeze Standard v8.60.20.5592 with Patch 冰点还原简体中文破解版




Faronics Deep Freeze 冰点可对 IT 系统提供全面保护。

Faronics Deep Freeze Standard v8.60.20.5592 with Patch 冰点还原简体中文破解版

确保重启时能 100% 恢复工作站




Deep Freeze 冰点可兼容多种硬盘驱动器和文件系统

Faronics Deep Freeze Standard v8.60.20.5592 with Patch 冰点还原简体中文破解版




支持 FAT、FAT32、NTFS、基本磁盘和动态磁盘



Deep Freeze 冰点工作原理

Faronics Deep Freeze Standard v8.60.20.5592 with Patch 冰点还原简体中文破解版


Faronics Deep Freeze Standard v8.60.20.5592 with Patch 冰点还原简体中文破解版

Faronics Deep Freeze Standard v8.60.20.5592 with Patch 冰点还原简体中文破解版


Deep Freeze Standard Release Notes

Version (January 17, 2020)

End of Support

Windows XP End of Support

To ensure Deep Freeze continues to take advantage of the latest technologies, Faronics is officially dropping XP support in this version of Deep Freeze. Microsoft officially ended Windows XP support on April 8, 2014.

Enhancement for Cloud Connector (subscription required)

The following enhancement was made for customers who are connecting their Deep Freeze Standard licenses to Deep Freeze Cloud at www.deepfreeze.com.

Install All Windows Updates

In addition to Security, Critical, and Feature updates, choose to install all types of updates when downloading Windows updates from Microsoft (vs. WSUS).


25400 Resolved an issue where the system crashed when some specific software was installed on Deep Freeze workstation (such as PUBG, Fortnite, Easy Anti-Cheat, BattlEye).

26287 Resolved an issue where the user was able to boot into Advanced Boot Options from Frozen state.

26731 Resolved an issue where users were not able to log on after installing Deep Freeze on client machines.

Known Issues

11387 NTFS Storage Spaces not supported. BSOD occurs on reboot on Windows 8 and higher computers with single or multiple NTFS Storage Spaces.

11425 Announcements are displayed as ‘New’ every time workstation reboots when in Frozen state.

11496 DFInstall.log file does not have error entry, when silently installing workstation with ThawSpaces to be hosted on StorageSpace.

12611 On 64-Bit Systems: Network Drive should not be listed in the drop-down list on ThawSpace configuration page while installing Deep Freeze.

16560 Unable to activate computers that do not have network cards enabled.

18513 Installation of Deep Freeze workstation fails if user login name contains double byte characters.

20074 Installing Deep Freeze on workstations in some circumstances results in slow login when in a Frozen state.

21171 Unable to install apps from the Windows App Store once Deep Freeze is installed. Enable Windows Update service as a workaround.

21238 Running Deep Freeze with Boot Camp on systems with NVMe-based SSD drives results in blue screen.

21568 Issues with Dell full disk encryption software when Deep Freeze is installed. Knowledge Base.

22238 Resolved an issue where Windows OS did not start up while Imation device was attached.

22254 Deep Freeze shows Automatic Repair screen after upgrading to Windows 10 Fall Creators update.

22504 Deep Freeze will not freeze systems on a Hyper-V Gen 2.

22709 Workstations running Windows 10 have slow login times when the device is in a frozen state.

24415 Deep Freeze workstation may not start up in some circumstances.

25020 Workstation crashes when loading virtual disk image using Arsenal Image Mounter software while in Frozen mode.

25585 Deep Freeze workstation cannot be Thawed on Intel Compute Stick device.

26689 Workstations are expiring if the workstation date is set to more than 20 years into the future.

26727 External exception in FRZSTATE2k is reported when logging into workstation.

26819 Deep Freeze causes Windows 10 to become unresponsive in Mac computers running Windows in Boot Camp.

26892 Error running VIAware when Deep Freeze is installed.

27940 Workstation goes into BSOD when OWC ThunderBlade drive is attached to system running Deep Freeze.

27973 Deep Freeze Enterprise 8.57 causes BSOD on some specific setups.

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