
Yoast SEO Premium v13.0.2:当之无愧的WordPress SEO优化插件第一名

Yoast SEO Premium是WordPress高级SEO优化插件集合的最新版本。该集合包含:Yoast Local SEO for woomerce,Yoast Local SEO for WordPress,Yoast News SEO for WordPress&Google,Yoast SEO Premium,Yoast Video SEO for WordPress,Yoast woomerce SEO plugin。


  • 专业版与免费版对比
  • 具体特色

Compare the Premium and the free version:

Yoast SEO Premium

Yoast SEO free

Keyword optimization

Optimize for keywords, keyphrases, synonyms, related keywords and all word forms of those.

 Only 1 keyword or keyphraseTell Google exactly what your page is about

NEW!Make sure that Google, Pinterest and other platforms all know exactly what your page is about, by adding schema.org data the right way. Faster indexing, rich results!

Check!No outdated content

We’ll keep an eye on your most important pages and warn you when these haven’t been updated for six months.

 Keep an eye on all pages manuallyPreview of your page

Google, Facebook and Twitter previews.

 Only Google previewReadability check

We analyze the readability of the copy you wrote and calculate the Flesch Reading Ease score.

 Check!Full control over your breadcrumbs

You can set a primary category for your post, and determine the taxonomy for every single page on your website.

 Check!No duplicate content

Avoid confusing Google with duplicate content, by setting canonical URLs.

 Check!Works in the block editor and classic editor

No matter how you like to write your posts in WordPress, Yoast SEO works in both the classic editor and the block editor!

 Check!Technical stuff in the background

It doesn’t matter whether you know about robots.txt, .htaccess files, clean permalink URLs or sitemaps – Yoast SEO makes sure your technical configuration rolls out the red carpet for search engines.

 Check!Always updated for Google’s algorithm

Make sure that Google, Pinterest and other platforms all know exactly what your page is about, by adding schema.org data the right way. Faster indexing, rich results!

 Check!Internal linking suggestions

Get suggestions for links to other pages on your website, as you write.

 You have to manually look up related pages to create links.Content insights

We show you the 5 words or phrases you use the most on your page, to check if they’re a match with your chosen keywords.

 We’re afraid you have to check your text very thoroughly yourself to make sure it’s focused enough.Redirect manager

Easily redirect old URLs to new ones. So you don’t lose visitors because they get stuck on a 404 Not Found page.

 You have to think of creating a redirect yourself each time you delete a page.Focus keyword export

Get a clear overview of your focus keywords and SEO scores (CSV export)

 No exports. You’ll have to click around your website and compile this Excel dashboard yourself.1 year free access to 24/7 support

Round the clock email access to our wonderful and knowledgeable support team.

 You can use our extensive FAQ section and knowledge base.Ad-free

In Yoast SEO Premium there are no ads.

You’ll see ads for our other awesome products and services. Most downloaded SEO plugin  Over 135 million downloads  4.9 out of 5 stars

Yoast Seo的特点







-Yoast SEO Premium甚至可以预览社交网络!




-Yoast SEO调整了你网站的引擎,这样你就可以创建伟大的内容。



-SEO角色管理:让你的同事访问WordPress Yoast SEO插件的特定部分。




== Changelog ==

= 13.0 =

Release Date: February 4th, 2020

Today, we’re releasing Yoast SEO 13.0. This release is one in a series of releases focusing on improving our code and fixing issues — most of them behind the scenes. Read more about those changes in [our 13.0 release post](https://yoa.st/release-13-0)!


* Hides the Facebook settings when Open Graph is disabled.

* Adds a success state to the paginated comments Health Check. This means the paginated comments check will also be shown when the paginated comments are set up correctly.



Yoast SEO: News v12.4.1

Yoast SEO: Local v12.7

Yoast SEO: WooCommerce v12.5

Yoast SEO: Video v12.4

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文章名称:《Yoast SEO Premium v13.0.2:当之无愧的WordPress SEO优化插件第一名》

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